Sales And Marketing; The Ultimate Power Couple’s Love Story

In honor of the Valentine’s day month, we decided to share our free resource for February, in the form of a love story. While the characters are fictional, the lessons are very real.

The Romance Between Sales & Marketing

Once upon a time, there was a hopeless romantic named Marketing. Marketing was awesome and in many ways perfect. Marketing was interesting, funny, entertaining and memorable. But despite all of these virtues, marketing felt incomplete sometimes. Marketing wanted to be liked but marketing also needed to be taken care of, financially. But marketing was an expert in giving and had very little interest in mastering the art of taking. Marketing was afraid to become a “sell out” because marketing believed that it would dilute the credibility of the awesome messages that marketing was putting out.

Marketing was conflicted and sad when a concerned friend took initiative and introduced marketing to overachiever named, sales. At first, marketing and sales did not hit it off. Marketing felt like sales was the antithesis of everything marketing held dear. Sales viewed marketing as a distraction, a waste of time.

But in time, they began to admire qualities in each other. Marketing was able to reach out to more people than sales was in any given day. This appealed to sales because sales knew that greater numbers helped yield greater profits. Marketing saw that sales was a magnet for the types of resources marketing needed to implement all of the fun stuff that marketing wanted to do.

They decided to spend more time together and in time, marketing began to think more like sales and sales began to incorporate marketing in sales conversations. They learned to work together. Sales funneled prospects, referrals and leads that were not quite ready to convert to marketing’s pipeline while marketing made friends out of the leads from sales and also turned other new and existing friends into leads for sales.

Once marketing and sales learned to work together and compliment each other, they were inseparable. Their relationship was natural and effortless. They fell in love got rich together and lived happily ever after.

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