GCC-Gwinnettworking – Traditional Leads Generation

John D. Stephens - Education Room 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway , Duluth, GA, United States

Gwinnettworking is a networking group of Gwinnett Chamber members designed to build relationships, support professional development, and develop lead generating affiliations. This is the perfect opportunity to work with like-minded professionals who wish to grow their business and their network by meeting new people in new industries.Gwinnettworking es un grupo de redes de miembros de la Cámara Gwinnett diseñado para crear relaciones, apoyar el desarrollo profesional y desarrollar afiliaciones generadoras de leads. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para trabajar con profesionales de ideas afines que desean hacer crecer su negocio y su red al conocer gente nueva en nuevas industrias.


GCC-Gwinnettworking – Traditional Leads Generation

John D. Stephens - Education Room 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway , Duluth, GA, United States

Gwinnettworking is a networking group of Gwinnett Chamber members designed to build relationships, support professional development, and develop lead generating affiliations. This is the perfect opportunity to work with like-minded professionals who wish to grow their business and their network by meeting new people in new industries.Gwinnettworking es un grupo de redes de miembros de la Cámara de Gwinnett diseñado para crear relaciones, apoyar el desarrollo profesional y desarrollar afiliaciones generadoras de leads. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para trabajar con profesionales de ideas afines que desean hacer crecer su negocio y su red al conocer gente nueva en nuevas industrias.


Cobb Chamber- Cobb Executive Women February Luncheon

The Georgian Club 100 Galleria Parkway, 17th Floor, Atlanta, GA, United States

Program: "Living Legend: Social Activism to Executive Philanthropy" Xernona Clayton is a civil rights leader and pioneering broadcasting executive best known as the founder and CEO of the Trumpet Awards (1993), an annual awards program televised by the TBS network and distributed internationally to over 185 countries. The program features the accomplishments of African Americans in a variety of fields. Clayton also is the driving force behind the complementary project the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Sitein Atlanta. Clayton worked undercover for the Chicago Urban League investigating employment discrimination before moving to Atlanta in 1965 to organize events for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). She developed a deep friendship with Dr. King and his wife, Coretta Scott King. In the early 1980s, Clayton became the first black woman corporate executive at TBS when Ted Turner appointed her director and vice-president...

Galeo- Free Citizenship Clinic

Georgia Gwinnett College, Student Life Center 1000 University Ln, Lawrenceville, GA, United States

Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Atlanta, along with the Center for Pan Asian Community Services (CPACS), and Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials is hosting a free citizenship workshop. At this free naturalization workshop, you will be helping green card holders apply for U.S. citizenship. Green card holders will be given one-on-one assistance in completing their application forms and fee waivers, provided with individual legal review by an attorney, and given a clear list of next steps.Asiático-Americanos Avancando en Justicia – Atlanta, junto con el Centro Para La Comunidad de Servicios de Pan Asiático (CPACS), y Georgia Asociación de Latinos Electos Funcionarios está organizando un Taller de Ciudadanía gratis. Este Taller de Cuidadania  se les estará ayudando a personas que tienen tarjeta verde (Green Card) uno-a-uno para solicitar la ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Las personas con la tarjeta verde (Green Card) serán dados  ayuda para completar sus formularios de solicitud y extención de cuotas, siempre con revisión legal por...


LAA-Free Citizenship Application Assistance

Georgia Gwinnett College, Student Life Center 1000 University Ln, Lawrenceville, GA, United States

The Latin American Association will be offering free legal assistance to apply for citizenship during a clinic.La Asociación Latinoamericana estará ofreciendo asistencia legal gratis para solicitar la ciudadanía durante una clínica.


Cobb Chamber- Cobb Connections

Cobb Chamber 240 Interstate North Pkwy, Atlanta, GA

Join Cobb Chamber for Cobb Connections! You will have the opportunity to build relationships and grow business-to-business and business-to-consumer connections. Participants will break into roundtable discussions in which they will give referrals and discuss business challenges. Following the discussions, attendees will have a 30-second opportunity to speak about their business. Non-members are welcome to attend two complimentary meetings.  Registration for this event is required, and online registration will close at noon on February 13th.¡Únete a la Cámara Cobb para Conexiones Cobb! Tendrá la oportunidad de establecer relaciones y desarrollar conexiones de empresa a empresa y de empresa a consumidor. Los participantes se dividirán en mesas redondas en las que darán referencias y discutirán los retos empresariales. Después de las discusiones, los asistentes tendrán una oportunidad de 30 segundos para hablar sobre su negocio. Los no miembros son bienvenidos a asistir a dos reuniones complementarias. Se requiere inscripción para este evento y la inscripción...

Cobb Chamber-Business Builders

Cobb Chamber 240 Interstate North Pkwy, Atlanta, GA

Business Builders is for people who want to move their business forward. This group provides members with an opportunity to learn key business principles by reviewing the best selling business books of today. You will build business savvy and sharpen your skills for today's fast-paced and ever-changing business environment. Business Builders also exchange ideas, learn from others and grow professionally. Business Builders es para personas que quieren avanzar en su negocio. Este grupo ofrece a los miembros la oportunidad de aprender los principios clave del negocio revisando los libros de negocios más vendidos de la actualidad. Desarrollará conocimientos de negocio y agudizará sus habilidades para el entorno de negocios de rápido crecimiento y siempre cambiante de hoy en día. Los constructores de negocios también intercambian ideas, aprenden de los demás y crecen profesionalmente.

GCC-Internship 101

Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway , DUluth, GA, United States

Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce introduces a new Partnership Gwinnett Talent Series: Internship 101 In a tightening talent market, securing your organization’s future human resources can start with developing work-based learning opportunities such as student internships. If you recognize the value that a student talent development program can offer your company, but are not sure where to start, join Partnership Gwinnett to learn more about how to start, sustain & scale an internship program.Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce presenta una nueva asociación Gwinnett Talent Series: Prácticas 101 En un mercado de talento apretado, asegurar los recursos humanos futuros de su organización puede comenzar con el desarrollo de oportunidades de aprendizaje basadas en el trabajo, tales como pasantías de estudiantes. Si reconoce el valor que un programa de desarrollo de talento estudiantil puede ofrecer a su empresa, pero no está seguro por dónde empezar, únase a Gwinnett para aprender más sobre cómo iniciar,...


GHCA: Construction Scheduling (Basic)

Latin American Association 2750 Buford Highway, Atlanta, GA

GA Hispanic Construction Association invites you to join them in their basic construction scheduling workshop.La Asociación Hispana de Construction de GA le invita a unirse a ellos en su taller básico de planificación de la construcción.

GCC-Gwinnettworking – Traditional Leads Generation

John D. Stephens - Education Room 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway , Duluth, GA, United States

Gwinnettworking is a networking group of Gwinnett Chamber members designed to build relationships, support professional development, and develop lead generating affiliations. This is the perfect opportunity to work with like-minded professionals who wish to grow their business and their network by meeting new people in new industries.Gwinnettworking es un grupo de redes de miembros de la Cámara Gwinnett diseñado para crear relaciones, apoyar el desarrollo profesional y desarrollar afiliaciones generadoras de leads. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para trabajar con profesionales de ideas afines que desean hacer crecer su negocio y su red al conocer gente nueva en nuevas industrias.

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