Let’s face it, there are a lot of media agencie’s out there. We know it can be difficult to decide which agency is right for you and your business, especially if you have had a bad experience with a media agency in the past.
To help you cut through the noise and the hype we have identified three things that you should expect from any agency you decide to work with. We urge you not to settle for less than these three things.
1. Transparency
You should have an opportunity to review, approve, or make revisions to important art work and copy points. Your agency should also offer full disclosure on creative rights, licensing and other important terms of service related to the work they are performing for you.
2. Empowerment
Your agency should empower you and/or your designated staff with access to your marketing systems. For instance, if you hire someone to build a website for you, they should provide you with administrative access to the site and if possible make sure that your hosting and domain name are registered under your name and not theirs. Even if you don’t ever plan to access your administrative controls, you don’t want to risk loosing all of the work you paid for if you stop working with that agency. If your agency does not put resources in your name, you should al least have some kind of written agreement stating that the resources belong to you.
3. Fun
The most effective marketing and advertising campaigns are born in the context of synergy between clients and advertisers. It is important to work with an agency that simply “gets you” and your business. When there is chemistry between your team and an agency team you can expect more creativity and better results.
We hope these tips were helpful. We would love an opportunity to help you grow your business and show you what it’s like to work with an agency that is transparent, committed to empowering you and always happy to keep it fun.
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