GCC: Programa de Entrenamiento de Velocidad Multilingüe para Pequeñas Empresas

Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce 6500 Sugarloaf Parkway , DUluth

Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce invites you to attend the Small Business Multi-Lingual Speed Coaching Program. Attendees will meet one-on-one with successful business leaders and expert coaches in 20-minute increments to discuss strategies and solutions that are right for your business.La Cámara de Comercio de Gwinnett le invita a asistir al Programa de Entrenamiento Velocidad Multilingüe de Pequeñas Empresas. Los asistentes se reunirán uno a uno con líderes empresariales exitosos y entrenadores expertos en incrementos de 20 minutos para discutir estrategias y soluciones adecuadas para su negocio.


Libertad Educativa: Fundraiser for Latino Immigrant Scholarship

Tqueria Vicko's Mexican Restaurant 4800 Lawrenceville Highway #4, Lilburn

Join Libertad Educativa on Cinco de Mayo week at Taqueria Vicko's Mexican Restaurant for food, drinks and to learn more about an exciting new effort in our community. The event will feature a presentation about the challenges facing undocumented students in the U.S. who are college bound but are not eligible for financial aid. Partial proceeds will help fund educational programs and scholarships for undocumented status. Bring a friend or two or three or four and help make a difference.

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